Dental implants in Clapton [Free Consult & 0% Finance]

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Missing teeth can make everyday tasks such as chewing and speaking difficult and even embarrassing. 

Dental implants are widely considered the gold standard in tooth replacement. They are durable, biocompatible, and financeable. 

Do you have missing teeth? If you have lost teeth or have a planned extraction, our dentists in Clapton, Hackney, can replenish your smile and restore the gap left behind with dental implants.

Learn why dental implants are the preferred method of tooth replacement at our Clapton dental implant centre…

Dental Implants Treatment In Clapton, Hackney

Replace missing teeth.

Restore your smile.

Regain your confidence.

99% of patients can be treated even if their previous practitioner has told them they could do nothing more, or their only option is dentures.

Ardent Smile offers a pain-free experience in all treatments, especially dental implants.

We are experts in dealing with nervous patients, complex cases, and ‘Teeth In A Day’ procedures.

We only use the most experienced implant dentist and the best implants available for your treatment.


Single Implants

Dental implants are small rod-like posts that act as a base for replacement teeth. They are placed into the jawbone and act like roots to support the tooth, denture, or bridge.
The dental implant screw fits into the bone and has a clip (abutment) that the tooth (crown) fits on. Titanium is the usual material that implants are made of; this is because Titanium has no ill effect on the human body and bonds readily with the new bone, which penetrates the titanium surface. The implants should last a lifetime if you look after them and maintain good oral hygiene.

Treatment Cost: £2500


multiple Implants

Multiple tooth implants can be used to support exceptionally large bridges. Where multiple teeth are missing in the same location, two or more implants can be used to support a bridge, making it an economical long-term solution for replacing multiple missing teeth.

Who Can Have Multiple Tooth Implants?

The procedure of placing multiple implants in our Clapton Dental Implant Clinic should be suitable for most people, and age and gender are generally not a factor.

Implant-supported bridge for multiple tooth loss.

Treatment Cost: £5500 (with bridge)

implant retained

Implant Retained Dentures

For a cost-effective way of replacing many missing teeth, dentures can be held securely in place with implants, providing a significant improvement from traditional removable dentures.

  • No need for denture adhesives, pastes, sticky gum, or powders.
  • Implants help to maintain your facial structures by preserving the remaining bone in your jaws.
  • Minimises wrinkles around the mouth by restoring lost lip support
  • Markedly improves your ability to chew – you can eat whatever you want and enjoy your food again.
  • Secure and comfortable – no more embarrassing moments caused by loose dentures!

A lower denture may only need two conventional implants to give a completely life-changing transformation to your ability to chew foods and smile with confidence.

Two Implants:  £5000
Denture on four Implants: £8000 – £1000


All on 4/All on 6 Treatments

The All-on-6 dental implant technique is a revolutionary procedure that allows patients to attend the surgery in the morning and leave with a fully fixed temporary set of teeth in the afternoon!
The All-on-6 concept was developed to enable the dental implant dentist to minimise the number of implants required to restore an entire arch (Jaw) of teeth and allow the temporary restoration to be fitted to the implants on the same day. Traditional implant techniques require 6-12 implants (which cost significantly more) to restore a jaw and a period of extended healing time where the bridge cannot be fixed.
The scientific idea behind the All-on-6 implant technique is that the two front implants are placed straight into the front of the jawbone parallel to the previously existing teeth while the other two implants are placed at the back of the jaw are angled at about 30 to 45 degrees in the bone compared to original root positions. This method enables the implants to provide firm overall support and evenly spreads the chewing forces transmitted from the denture or bridge to the jawbone.

Treatment Cost:

£12500 (with no immediate loading)
£18000 (with immediate temporary bridge loading)

Different Types Of Implant Retained Denture


Implants Supported By Locator

Dentures fixed with 4 implants & Locators
Treatment Cost: £6000


Bar Retained Implant Dentures

Dentures fixed with 4 implants
Treament Cost: £8000

Did you know?

Dental Implants Help Prevent Jaw Shrinkage and Collapse.

The Longer Healing Process Helps Ensure Implants are Fully Secured in Bone.

Dental Implants Can Last Forever. If Properly Cared For.

What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

  • Protect your surrounding teeth and bone
  • The next best thing to your natural teeth
  • Last for life when cared for properly
  • Eat, laugh and smile with confidence again

How it All Works?

The implants we provide are placed within the bone, making them structurally identical to your natural teeth. This can protect the bone, maintain tooth alignment, help with chewing and avoid facial changes. Dental implants are the best-known treatment to replace single or multiple missing teeth because they feel and behave just like natural teeth. You won’t be able to tell the difference, and after a while, you’ll likely forget they’re even there.

The implants we use are made from titanium, the most widely used material in implant dentistry. Our implants are clinically proven by some of the most in-depth research in dentistry.


How Do I Care For The Dental Implants And New Teeth?

Implant-supported teeth need the same level of care as your natural teeth, although flossing is different. As with your natural teeth, you must visit us regularly for review and maintenance.

How Painful Is The Dental Procedure?

This procedure, as with any other surgical procedure, has some discomfort. However, most implant patients tell us that they were surprised at how minimal and short the duration of discomfort was.

Can I Replace My Dentures With Implants?

Yes, you can, and it may well change your life. When you have dental implants, you avoid the pain and embarrassment of dentures.

  • Your teeth won’t slip or fall out
  • You don’t need to avoid any activities
  • You can usually eat what you want
  • There are no clasps or clips to hold them in place

Are Implants Suitable For Everyone?

Anyone who has lost a tooth, several teeth, or even all teeth is suitable for dental implants. There are very few situations where implants are not appropriate. We assess your suitability before undergoing any treatment.



This gentleman came for a consultation with Dr Sage 5months ago, complaining that his lower denture was loose and food was getting trapped under it. According to the bone thickness of his jaw, a denture supported by an implant was planned for him as he did not want any bone grafting or complicated procedure. He is also pleased with his new denture and can enjoy his rare cooked steak, not only no more food trapped under the denture but also has perfect retention.


The client used to wear a removable denture for his upper jaw, which was uncomfortable. He was looking for an option that would provide him with implants plus a Fixed Bridge, all the work to be completed on the same day. After a consultation, he proceeded with the extraction of all remaining teeth in his upper jaw and had 6 implants with a bridge. All the work was accomplished with local anaesthesia and surgical guidelines based on his CBCT scan. However, a Fixed Bridge is a temporary measure, and he had to return after 6 months once the gum had healed. Two bridges were then fitted to complete the procedure. 

Do You Love Your Dentist? Our Patients Do!

Five Star Private & NHS Dentist In Clapton, Hackney

Don’t just take our word for it! The kind words others have said about us are true testaments of how we treat our patients, friends, families, and Clapton neighbours.

Jodie Mason


Never had a problem with this dentist always been very polite and always put mine and my kids needs first.

Angela Meszaros


Excellent practice. I’ve had several fillings and one implant. All went very well. The surgery is very clean and tidy. The lead doctor Mr. Masih Sage is a really good dentist. I am very satisfied with their service and overall attitude toward patients.

Francesca Kerr


Brilliant practice. Had some bonding done on my front tooth with Dr Max Pura. He was super throughout the whole process, explained the procedure and it turned out amazing!! I love his work its flawless. Recommend to all.