Dental Veneers In Clapton [Book free consultation now]

Dental Veneers In Clapton, Hackney

Veneers help you achieve the bright and healthy smile you want and deserve. Many who struggle with gaps, chips, or misshapen teeth choose veneers to improve their smile. The veneer is essentially a thin cover that our cosmetic dentist in Clapton, Hackney, will place and adhere over your teeth. This covering will help improve the overall shape and finish of your teeth to give you the best smile possible.

Basic dental veneers help correct a variety of basic cosmetic issues with teeth to make them look as natural as possible. 


High Quality Dental Veneers in Clapton, Hackney are made of either thin plastic resin or porcelain and can be placed to:

  • correct poorly formed or mildly mal-positioned teeth
  • close gaps between teeth
  • mask internal stains
  • restore partially broken-down teeth


Tooth preparation usually is minimal and is confined to the enamel’s structure. The veneer is then bonded to the tooth structure with tooth-coloured resin. Several visits are necessary to complete treatment.

You need to be aware that this is usually an irreversible process because of removing a small amount of enamel from your teeth to accommodate the shell. 

What problems do veneers correct?

Chipped Teeth

Gaps In Teeth

Crooked Teeth

Uneven Teeth

Superficially Cracked Teeth

Short Teeth

Misshapen Teeth

Worn Teeth

Stained & Discoloured Teeth

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Veneers in Clapton, Hackney

How are porcelain veneers applied?

The procedure usually takes two visits to complete. The process starts by making an impression of your teeth and then moulding how your teeth will appear once the veneers are placed. The mould is sent to a lab, where the veneers are customised for your smile. This process typically takes a few weeks.

When they are ready and have the correct shape, colour, and translucency, a special tooth-coloured cement is used to bond the veneers to the front of each tooth.

But before the bonding procedure, your teeth must be prepped to receive the veneers, which often includes cleaning and light sanding. Once the veneers are placed, they are shaped and adjusted to enhance your mouth shape. Once you are satisfied with the appearance of the veneers, we will use a special light to harden the cement and bond the veneers to your teeth. Your dentist will check your bite for comfort and functionality and confirm the perfect fit.

How do I take care of my veneers?

Once they are fixed to your teeth, porcelain veneers should be treated like your natural teeth. Don’t miss your visits to the dentist for a professional cleaning and dental examination. Be sure to brush and floss daily to clean your teeth properly. There is no special treatment needed to care for your veneers.

Full veneer to reshape upper 2&3, both sides to give Hollywood a smile.

This is how the client would choose their preferred veneer shade.


Smile makeover case with a combination of Metal crowns and Bridge and Emax Veneers.

Missing upper right 2 and upper right 4 teeth.

Old crowns in lower jaw with dark lines around them. All are restored with a combination of metal free crowns and veneers.

The patient was unhappy with the appearance of her front teeth. The upper and lower front teeth were covered with Veneers.


Upper Right 2nd which was smaller than normal size, reshaped simply by Emax Veneer.

Another case of smile transformation just with one Veneer.

Do You Love Your Dentist? Our Patients Do!

Five Star Private & NHS Dentist In Clapton, Hackney

Don’t just take our word for it! The kind words others have said about us are true testaments of how we treat our patients, friends, families, and Clapton neighbours. 

Jodie Mason


Never had a problem with this dentist always been very polite and always put mine and my kids needs first.

Angela Meszaros


Excellent practice. I’ve had several fillings and one implant. All went very well. The surgery is very clean and tidy. The lead doctor Mr. Masih Sage is a really good dentist. I am very satisfied with their service and overall attitude toward patients.

Francesca Kerr


Brilliant practice. Had some bonding done on my front tooth with Dr Max Pura. He was super throughout the whole process, explained the procedure and it turned out amazing!! I love his work its flawless. Recommend to all.